How to make Text Italic in Android Jetpack Compose

How to make Text Italic in Android Jetpack Compose

As a mobile app developer, you always want to style text appropriately. Let’s check how to make a text italic in Android using Jetpack Compose. The FontStyle help to make the Text composable italic. Following is the output. Following is the complete code for reference. If you want to make text bold then see this…

How to Capitalize TextField in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Capitalize TextField in Android Jetpack Compose

In Android development, the TextField is a crucial element for user input. There are times when you might want to limit the input to uppercase letters. This tutorial explains how to capitalize the text in a TextField using Jetpack Compose. Use KeyboardOptions for Capitalization Jetpack Compose offers a KeyboardOptions parameter within the TextField composable. This…

How to Make TextField Single Line in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Make TextField Single Line in Android Jetpack Compose

Creating user input fields is essential in mobile app development. While the default behavior of a TextField in Jetpack Compose is to be multiline, sometimes you only need a single line for short inputs like usernames or passwords. This blog post will guide you on how to implement a single-line TextField in your Android Jetpack…

How to Change TextField Background Color in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Change TextField Background Color in Android Jetpack Compose

TextFields are a staple in mobile apps, playing a critical role in user interaction. Knowing how to style them can significantly improve user experience. In this guide, we’ll show you how to easily change the background color of a TextField using Jetpack Compose. Why Customize TextField Background? By default, TextFields in Jetpack Compose come with…

How to add Text with all Caps in Android Jetpack Compose

How to add Text with all Caps in Android Jetpack Compose

Styling text is an important aspect of designing mobile apps. Sometimes, we display all text in capital letters to show the significance. Let’s learn how to capitalize text in Jetpack Android. The Text composable doesn’t have a built-in property to change text case. Hence, we use the Kotlin function uppercase() for this purpose. See the…

How to add Text Background Color in Android Jetpack Compose

How to add Text Background Color in Android Jetpack Compose

In some rare scenarios, mobile app developers prefer to set a background color for text in their apps. Let’s learn how to add Text with a custom background color in Jetpack Compose. Jetpack Compose Text Background Color The TextStyle helps to set a custom background color to the Text composable. See the code snippet given…

How to add Text with Border in Android Jetpack Compose

How to add Text with Border in Android Jetpack Compose

Borders can make UI elements beautiful. Let’s learn how to add Borders to text in Jetpack Compose. Text composable has many useful parameters. In this case, the Modifier comes in handy. You can show borders using BorderStroke. See the code snippet given below. Jetpack Compose Text with Border The output is given below. Complete Code…


How to set Maximum Lines of Text in Android Jetpack Compose

When designing an app, it is important to consider the text content and its visual appearance. Sometimes, the dynamic text content can be lengthy, which may affect the app design. In such cases, restricting the number of lines of text is a useful technique. In this short Android development tutorial, let’s learn how to set…


How to Center Align Text in Android Jetpack Compose

Text is one of the most essential UI elements in mobile app development, and properly aligning it can make a significant difference in the overall user experience. In this tutorial, we will learn how to center align text in Jetpack Compose. Jetpack Compose is a modern UI toolkit for Android that simplifies UI development with…

How to Create Transparent Button in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Create Transparent Button in Android Jetpack Compose

Buttons are an essential part of any mobile application. They guide users through actions, leading them from one point to another. However, the traditional button styles may not always fit the aesthetic of your app. In such cases, a transparent button can add a sleek touch. In this post, we’ll show you how to create…


How to change Text Color Opacity in Android Jetpack Compose

Changing the opacity of a UI component can be useful when you want to make it partially transparent, overlaying it on other UI elements. Here, in this Android development tutorial, let’s learn how to change the text opacity in Jetpack Compose. The Text composable is used to display text in Jetpack Compose. You can change…

How to Adjust Image Opacity in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Adjust Image Opacity in Android Jetpack Compose

Adjusting the opacity of an image can be a crucial part of user interface design. It helps in distinguishing UI elements and adds an aesthetic touch to your application. In this updated blog post, we’ll dive deeper into how you can modify image opacity using Android Jetpack Compose’s Image composable. Opacity and Alpha Parameter Opacity…