How to Set Gradient Background for TopAppBar in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Set Gradient Background for TopAppBar in Android Jetpack Compose

Android’s Jetpack Compose is transforming the landscape of UI development with its declarative approach. Among its composables, the TopAppBar stands as an essential tool for creating action bars or app bars. Although changing the background color of the TopAppBar to a solid color is quite simple, making it a gradient color adds a certain visual…

How to Create Transparent TopAppBar in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Create Transparent TopAppBar in Android Jetpack Compose

When crafting user interfaces with Android’s Jetpack Compose, flexibility and customization are key. One of the common requirements that developers might encounter is making the TopAppBar component transparent. This blog post will guide you through the process of creating a transparent TopAppBar in Jetpack Compose. What is TopAppBar? In Jetpack Compose, the TopAppBar is a…

How to Change TopAppBar Background Color in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Change TopAppBar Background Color in Android Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose, a toolkit for building user interfaces in Android, is transforming the way developers approach app design. In this tutorial, we will focus on a common UI element: the TopAppBar, and specifically, how to change its background color. Introduction to TopAppBar TopAppBar, a key component of the Material Design guidelines, is often used for…

How to Add Back Button to TopAppBar in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Add Back Button to TopAppBar in Android Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose, Google’s modern toolkit for building native Android UI, offers a variety of components to streamline app development. One such component is the TopAppBar, which serves as the equivalent of the AppBarLayout or Toolbar from the earlier Android UI toolkit. The TopAppBar is often used to provide navigation controls, branding, and actions that affect…

How to Add Icon Button to AppBar in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Add Icon Button to AppBar in Android Jetpack Compose

The App Bar, a pivotal component of many Android applications, is a dedicated space at the top of the UI that provides contextual information and actions. It often contains the screen title, navigation controls, and other action items. However, to harness its full potential, we need to know how to enrich it with additional components…

How to Change AppBar Height in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Change AppBar Height in Android Jetpack Compose

In this blog post, we’re going to look at how to adjust the height of the TopAppBar in Jetpack Compose, a powerful toolkit for building UI in Android apps. We’ll also address a common issue developers face when increasing the height: the AppBar’s title and icon not being properly visible. How to Change AppBar Height…

How to Align Title at Center in Jetpack Compose’s TopAppBar

How to Align Title at Center in Jetpack Compose’s TopAppBar

In this blog post, we’ll dive into a particular aspect of Jetpack Compose that can be a little tricky – centering the title in a TopAppBar. While this might seem like a simple task, it can become complex, especially when you have a navigation icon and actions in your TopAppBar. To start, let’s familiarize ourselves…

How to Add App Bar in Android Jetpack Compose

How to Add App Bar in Android Jetpack Compose

Jetpack Compose is a modern UI toolkit from Google, which is entirely written in Kotlin and follows a declarative programming model. In this blog post, we will learn how to add an app bar to our Android applications using Jetpack Compose. An App Bar or a Toolbar is a fundamental component in Android applications. It…

How to Enable Dark Mode in Android Studio

How to Enable Dark Mode in Android Studio

It’s a well-known fact among developers that we tend to spend countless hours in front of our screens. This is particularly true when it comes to using IDEs (Integrated Development Environment) like Android Studio for building applications. A dark-themed interface, also known as Dark Mode, can go a long way in reducing eye strain and…

How to Set JDK Location in Android Studio

How to Set JDK Location in Android Studio

As Android developers, we require the Java Development Kit (JDK) to build our Android applications. It serves as a software environment that offers numerous tools essential for the development process. Among these tools, you’ll find the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and the Java compiler, both vital to your software projects. In this blog post, we’ll…