
How to Add Linear Progress Indicator in Android Jetpack Compose

When developing Android apps, providing feedback to users is crucial. One way to indicate progress or loading is by using linear progress indicators. Jetpack Compose simplifies this process with its LinearProgressIndicator composable.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover how to add both indeterminate and determinate linear progress indicators using Jetpack Compose.

Linear Progress Indicator

Linear progress indicators are horizontal bars that fill up over time. They can be both determinate, indicating a specific amount of progress, or indeterminate, showing that an operation is ongoing without specifying its duration.

Basic Example: Indeterminate Linear Progress Indicator

First, let’s look at a basic example of an indeterminate progress indicator. This type doesn’t show how much of the task has been completed—only that it’s ongoing.

fun ProgressIndicator() {
    Column {
            modifier = Modifier
            color = Color.Red,
            trackColor = Color.Gray

In this example, the LinearProgressIndicator fills the entire width of its container and has padding of 10dp. We set its color to red and the track color to gray.

jetpack compose linear progress indicator

Example: Determinate Linear Progress Indicator

Determinate indicators show how much progress has been made. You need to set the progress parameter to a float value between 0 and 1.

fun ProgressIndicator() {
    var progress by remember { mutableStateOf(0.3f) }
    Column {
            progress = progress,
            modifier = Modifier
            color = Color.Green,
            trackColor = Color.Gray

In this example, the LinearProgressIndicator will fill up 30% of the bar. We set the progress to 0.3f, indicating 30% completion.

jetpack compose determinate progress indicator

Jetpack Compose offers a highly customizable and straightforward way to implement linear progress indicators. Whether you’re looking for a basic indeterminate indicator or a determinate one, Jetpack Compose has got you covered.

Experiment with the different properties to create the perfect indicator for your application.

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