SwiftUI FullScreenCover Fade In and Fade Out

SwiftUI FullScreenCover Fade In and Fade Out

One of the exciting aspects of SwiftUI is its robust animation capabilities. You can create smooth transitions between different views or when presenting modals. In this post, we’ll dive into how you can achieve a fade-in and fade-out animation when working with SwiftUI’s fullScreenCover. What’s a FullScreenCover? In SwiftUI, fullScreenCover allows you to present a…

How to Disable FullScreenCover Animation in iOS SwiftUI

How to Disable FullScreenCover Animation in iOS SwiftUI

Animations are a core aspect of modern mobile app development, bringing fluidity and dynamism to user interfaces. SwiftUI offers a host of pre-built animations that get applied by default to certain UI elements, including the fullScreenCover. While this is beneficial most of the time, there are instances where you’d like to suppress these animations. In…

How to Implement Swipe to Dismiss in SwiftUI FullScreenCover

How to Implement Swipe to Dismiss in SwiftUI FullScreenCover

When it comes to creating immersive and interactive user experiences, the swipe-to-dismiss gesture for modals has become increasingly popular in iOS apps. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to implement swipe-to-dismiss functionality for full-screen modals using SwiftUI’s fullScreenCover. Swipe to Dismiss in Any Direction The Code Here’s the code example that allows you to…

How to Dismiss FullScreenCover in iOS SwiftUI

How to Dismiss FullScreenCover in iOS SwiftUI

One of the most engaging ways to present information or collect input from the user in an iOS app is through modals. SwiftUI gives us the fullScreenCover function for displaying full-screen modals. But how do you dismiss them? In this blog post, we’ll explore different methods to dismiss full-screen modals in SwiftUI. The Basics: fullScreenCover…

How to Create a Full Screen Modal in iOS SwiftUI

How to Create a Full Screen Modal in iOS SwiftUI

Modal views are an essential part of any mobile application. They help present information or options in a way that doesn’t require the user to navigate away from their current context. SwiftUI makes it incredibly easy to work with modals, and in this blog post, we’ll focus on creating full-screen modals using SwiftUI. What is…

How to Add TextInput Letter Spacing in React Native

The appearance of TextInput plays a crucial role in enhancing the user interface of a React Native application. Among the various ways to style TextInput, adjusting the letter spacing can make your text more readable and visually appealing. This blog post will guide you through how to change the letter spacing in React Native’s TextInput….

How to Hide TextInput Cursor in React Native

The cursor is a crucial part of any text input field, guiding the user while typing. However, there are specific scenarios where hiding the cursor may be beneficial. This blog post will guide you on how to hide the cursor in a React Native TextInput component. Prerequisites Basic TextInput Implementation Let’s start by understanding how…

How to Customize ProgressView Track Color in iOS SwiftUI

How to Customize ProgressView Track Color in iOS SwiftUI

The ProgressView in SwiftUI is a useful UI element for displaying the progress of ongoing tasks. While it offers a default style, you might want to customize it to better fit your app’s design. One common customization is changing the track color. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to customize the track color of…

How to Create Custom ProgressView Styles in iOS SwiftUI

How to Create Custom ProgressView Styles in iOS SwiftUI

While SwiftUI provides a default ProgressView that works well for most use-cases, there may be times when you need something more customized. Fortunately, SwiftUI allows you to create custom styles for ProgressView. In this blog post, we’ll walk through the process of creating a custom ProgressView style, complete with examples and best practices. What is…

How to Hide Keyboard in React Native TextInput

The on-screen keyboard plays a vital role in mobile applications when it comes to user input. However, there are times when you might want to hide the keyboard programmatically, for example, after a form submission. In this blog post, we will cover various methods for hiding the keyboard in React Native using the TextInput component….

How to Change Focus Border Color in React Native TextInput

In React Native, changing the visual cues for focused input fields can enhance user interaction. The border color of a TextInput component is one such visual cue. This blog post delves into methods for changing the focus border color of TextInput in React Native. Prerequisites Basic TextInput Component Firstly, let’s review how to add a…

How to Show and Hide ProgressView in iOS SwiftUI

How to Show and Hide ProgressView in iOS SwiftUI

In many apps, progress indicators are only needed during specific tasks, such as loading a page or downloading a file. Therefore, it’s important to know how to show and hide them appropriately. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to control the visibility of ProgressView in SwiftUI, complete with examples and best practices. What is…