
How to Customize Font Color in iOS SwiftUI TextField

Designing an engaging user interface often requires customization of various elements, including fonts and colors. In SwiftUI, the TextField component is a common place for this customization, as it’s a key point of user interaction.

This post will explore how to change the font color of text within a SwiftUI TextField.

Change Font and Color in SwiftUI TextField

SwiftUI provides straightforward ways to modify the font and color of a TextField. Below, you’ll find an example that shows how to apply these changes:

struct ContentView: View {
    @State private var text = ""

    var body: some View {
        TextField("Enter text here", text: $text)
            .font(.system(size: 20, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))

Font Customization

In the example, the font modifier is used to customize the font of the TextField:

  • Size: The font size is set to 20.
  • Weight: The font weight is set to bold.
  • Design: The font design is set to rounded.

Color Customization

The foregroundColor modifier is applied to change the text color to blue.

swiftui textfield font color

Step-by-Step Explanation

  • State Property: We’re using the @State property to bind the text in the TextField, allowing the text to be stored and updated as the user types.
  • TextField: The placeholder text "Enter text here" is shown when the TextField is empty. It’s bound to the text state variable, so it updates as the user types.
  • Font Modifier: This modifier is used to set the font size, weight, and design.
  • ForegroundColor Modifier: This sets the color of the text. You can choose from predefined colors like .blue, or define custom colors using Color(red:green:blue:).
  • Padding Modifier: Padding is added around the TextField to give it some space within the layout.

Additional Customizations

You can further enhance the appearance by adding more modifiers. For instance, to set a background color, you can use the background modifier:


SwiftUI makes it effortless to customize the appearance of TextField, including changes to the font and color. With just a few lines of code, you can create a TextField that matches the design and theme of your app.

Remember that an effective UI is not just about looks; it should also enhance the usability and accessibility of your application. Choose your font sizes, weights, and colors wisely to make sure they contribute positively to the overall user experience.

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