
React Native API Call Example with Axios, Redux, and Hooks

In this blog post, let’s see how to do API calls using Axios, Redux, and Hooks in react native. As the importance of hooks and proper state management increases, making API calls with hooks and redux is a better way and can be helpful for large react native applications. Before starting out, please do install…

How to Capitalize TextInput Component in React Native

TextInput is the component where the end user gives input. Sometimes, we may need to control how the values are inserted into the TextInput. Let’s check how to capitalize the text inserted through TextInput in react native. If you are looking for how to capitalize a Text component in react native then you can check…

How to Capitalize Text in React Native using Style

Sometimes, we need to show text in some specific cases. There are already JavaScript functions such as toLowerCase and toUpperCase. But having a property for changing cases or capitalize can make your work simpler. In this react native example, I am using a text style prop named textTransform for the case conversion and capitalization of…

How to Capitalize Text in React Native using Style

Sometimes, we need to show text in some specific cases. There are already JavaScript functions such as toLowerCase and toUpperCase. But having a property for changing cases or capitalize can make your work simpler. In this react native example, I am using a text style prop named textTransform for the case conversion and capitalization of…

How to use useRef Hook in React Native Functional Component

Hooks are an integral part of a functional component. The useRef hook is used to invoke methods on react native components. In this blog post, let’s check how to use useRef in react native. We have a TextInput component and a Pressable component. When we press the Pressable component, the text inside TextInput should be…