
How to Manage LazyVGrid Spacing in iOS SwiftUI

The SwiftUI framework introduced by Apple has transformed how we approach UI development for iOS. Among its myriad of features, SwiftUI’s LazyVGrid stands out, offering a dynamic way to create vertically oriented grids.

A key aspect of this layout is spacing, which we’ll explore in-depth in this blog post with a colorful example.

LazyVGrid Overview

LazyVGrid is a SwiftUI view that organizes its children in a grid with vertical growth. The ‘lazy’ part of its name comes from the fact that it only instantiates views as they become visible, thereby saving memory and improving performance.

Role of Spacing in LazyVGrid

Spacing is one of the important aspects in LazyVGrid. It is set inside the GridItem object and regulates the distance between items in the grid. This spacing can significantly influence the overall aesthetic and readability of your grid.

LazyVGrid Spacing Example

Let’s now delve into an example that explores the spacing property of LazyVGrid.

struct ContentView: View {
    let columns = [
        GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: 20),
        GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: 20),
    let colors: [Color] = [.red, .green, .blue, .orange, .yellow, .pink, .purple, .gray]
    var body: some View {
        ScrollView {
            LazyVGrid(columns: columns, spacing: 40) {
                ForEach(colors, id: \.self) { color in
                        .frame(height: 250)

In this code, we set the spacing in two places. First, within the GridItem instances, we set a spacing of 20. This will ensure that there is a gap of 20 points between rows.

Second, we provide a spacing of 40 to the LazyVGrid. This defines the spacing between the columns. If you run this code, you’ll see a pleasant grid of colored rectangles, each spaced appropriately to provide a clean and visually pleasing layout.

swiftui lazyvgrid spacing

Controlling spacing in SwiftUI’s LazyVGrid offers a significant advantage when it comes to designing aesthetically pleasing and easily readable grids. Mastering this aspect will take your SwiftUI skills to the next level.

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