
How to Use ProgressView as Overlay in iOS SwiftUI

In many scenarios, you may want to display a progress indicator as an overlay on top of another view, such as an image or a button. This is particularly useful for indicating the loading status of dynamic content.

In this blog post, we’ll explore how to create a ProgressView overlay in SwiftUI, complete with examples and best practices.

What is a ProgressView?

A ProgressView in SwiftUI is a UI element that displays the progress of an ongoing task. It can be either determinate, showing the exact percentage of completion, or indeterminate, displaying a general waiting indicator.

Basic ProgressView Overlay

Example: Overlay on an Image

Here’s a simple example of a ProgressView overlay on an image:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {

The ProgressView is added as an overlay on top of an Image view. The controlSize and tint modifiers are used to style the progress indicator.

swiftui progressview overlay

Conditional Overlays

Example: Show/Hide ProgressView Overlay

You can conditionally display the ProgressView overlay based on a state variable:

@State private var isLoading: Bool = true

        Group {
            if isLoading {

The ProgressView overlay will only be displayed when the isLoading state variable is set to true.

Advanced Usage

ProgressView Overlay with Label

You can also add a label to the ProgressView overlay for additional context:

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {

The label “Loading…” provides additional context to the user, indicating that the content is currently loading.

swiftui ios progressview overlay

Using ProgressView as an overlay in SwiftUI is a powerful way to indicate the loading or progress status of a task directly on the content. Whether you’re adding a simple overlay, customizing its appearance, or conditionally displaying it based on a state variable, SwiftUI offers the flexibility to meet your needs.

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