How to Create a Full Width Row in Flutter

When designing the layout for your Flutter app, you may find the need for a Row that stretches across the entire width of the screen. This is often required when you’re aiming to create header sections, footers, or any horizontal elements that need to span the full screen.

In Flutter, making a Row widget expand to the full width is quite straightforward. This post will guide you through the process of creating a full-width Row in Flutter.

Row Widget

A Row is a widget that displays its children in a horizontal array. By default, it sizes itself to contain its children, meaning it will be as wide as the sum of the widths of its children. To make it stretch across the entire width of the screen, we need to take a different approach.

Use the MainAxisSize Property

The Row widget has a property called mainAxisSize that determines how much space it should occupy on the main axis (which is horizontal for a Row). By setting this property to MainAxisSize.max, you can make the Row as wide as possible:

  mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.max,
  children: [
    // Your widgets here

However, just setting mainAxisSize to MainAxisSize.max doesn’t always guarantee that the Row will fill the width. This is where other widgets and properties come into play.

Use Expanded Widget

When you have multiple children in a Row and you want them to fill the space, wrapping a child with an Expanded widget tells Flutter to let the child expand to fill the available space:

  children: [
      child: Container(
        child: const Text('Full-width element within a Row'),

In this example, the Container takes up all the available horizontal space within the Row.

flutter row full width


To ensure your Row elements are stretched fully in terms of width and appropriately aligned vertically, you can combine CrossAxisAlignment with Expanded:

  crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch,
  children: [
      child: Container(
        child: const Text('Stretched full-width Row with CrossAxisAlignment'),

The crossAxisAlignment: CrossAxisAlignment.stretch ensures that any child widgets that do not have a fixed height will be stretched to fill the Row vertically.

flutter row full width and height

Full-Width Row with double.infinity

Here’s how you can make a Row full-width by enclosing it within a Container and setting its width to double.infinity:

  width: double.infinity,
  color: Colors.blueGrey, // Just for visibility
  child: const Row(
    children: [
      Text('Full-width Row using double.infinity'),
      // More widgets can be added here

In this example, the Container encapsulating the Row will expand to the full width of the screen, thus making the Row appear full-width.

flutter full width row

Creating a full-width Row in Flutter is essential for developing responsive and visually appealing layouts. By manipulating the mainAxisSize property and using widgets like Expanded, you can control how your Row behaves in terms of width.

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