How to Make Text Bold in iOS SwiftUI

How to Make Text Bold in iOS SwiftUI

Bold text is far more than a mere stylistic choice; it serves as a powerful tool that can greatly enhance the overall user experience of your app. It adds emphasis, creates visual hierarchies, and guides the user’s eye to key information. Using bold text effectively is important in delivering a clear, intuitive, and user-friendly mobile…

How to Change Text Size in iOS SwiftUI

How to Change Text Size in iOS SwiftUI

In this blog post, we’re focusing on a fundamental aspect of app design – manipulating text size in SwiftUI. Understanding how to adjust the font size can make a significant difference in the aesthetics and user-friendliness of your application. Basics: Change the Text Size To alter the size of text in SwiftUI, we use the…

How to Change Text Color in iOS SwiftUI

How to Change Text Color in iOS SwiftUI

In this blog post, we’re going to dig into an interesting topic for anyone developing with SwiftUI: adjusting text color. This might seem like a simple task, but with the flexibility of SwiftUI, we can do so much more than simply choosing a color from the palette. Basics: Change Text Color in SwiftUI First, let’s…

How to Align UI Elements Horizontally in iOS SwiftUI

How to Align UI Elements Horizontally in iOS SwiftUI

SwiftUI provides various UI elements to make iOS development easy. Let’s learn how to align items horizontally in a layout using SwiftUI. Stacks are views that help you to align items vertically, horizontally, and in the z-direction. The HStack accepts children elements and arranges them horizontally. Read- how to align items vertically in iOS app…

How to Align UI Elements Vertically in iOS SwiftUI

How to Align UI Elements Vertically in iOS SwiftUI

Building layouts for mobile apps is a complex process. You have to arrange elements properly to make the UI appealing. In this iOS app development tutorial, let’s learn how to align UI elements vertically in SwiftUI. Stack views help developers to arrange items in SwiftUI. VStack is a view in which children are arranged vertically….

How to Add Border with Rounded Corners in iOS SwiftUI

How to Add Border with Rounded Corners in iOS SwiftUI

Rounded corners have the capability to make UI elements more beautiful and elegant. Let’s learn how to add borders with rounded corners in SwiftUI. Border() modifier can be used to draw borders around Ui elements. But for rounded corners, you have to use the overlay() modifier. See the code given below. As you see, we…

How to Add Borders in iOS SwiftUI

How to Add Borders in iOS SwiftUI

Borders are an important UI element to make your mobile app beautiful. In this iOS app development tutorial, let’s find out how to add borders using SwiftUI. SwiftUI provides a dedicated modifier border() to draw borders around views. See the code given below. Here, it shows a red-colored border with a thickness of 3 around…

How to Create a Hello World iOS app using Swift
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How to Create a Hello World iOS app using Swift

This tutorial is for absolute beginners who are about to start iOS app development. Here, I create a simple Hello World iOS mobile app which shows the text hello world. By creating this, you will know how to get started with iOS app development. Make sure that your Mac has the latest Xcode installed. Open…