How to Capture Digital Signature in React Native

Nowadays, everything happens digitally. Sometimes, we may need to capture the signatures of users digitally for our applications. We can capture the signature in react native with the help of a third-party library named react native signature canvas. The react native signature canvas provides a canvas component where the user can put the signature. So,…

How to Add Accordion Component in React Native

Accordions are useful to show large data neatly by hiding and expanding the data. React Native doesn’t have its own accordion component. In this blog post, let’s check how to add an accordion component in react native. In this react native example, we use Galio UI library which provides various useful components for react native….


How to Integrate Google Maps in your React Native App (Android)

When coming to location-based maps, you can’t ignore Google Maps. In this blog post, let’s see how to integrate Google Maps in your React Native Android app. We use React Native Maps react native library to add Google Maps. Before that, we need Google developer API to implement maps in your app. Get Google Maps…

How to Create an App Introduction Slider in React Native

Introduction sliders are beautiful slides that give a brief idea about the app to the user, especially when the user using the app for the first time. We say the first impression is the best impression. Make Introduction slider of your react native app beautiful as well as useful. What makes react native so popular…


How to create a Gradient Button in React Native

Sometimes, buttons with plain colors can be boring visually. Adding a button with multiple colors can make your button uber-cool in appearance – only if it matches your user interface and color selection. In this blog post, let’s check how to create a button with gradient colors in React Native. You might know that react…

How to Add Beautiful Animations in your App using React Native Lottie

React Native Lottie is a library that parses Adobe After Effects animations exported as JSON and renders natively in your react native app. This library reduces a lot of development time when you are adding animations in your app. In this blog post let’s see how to add animations in your app using react native…