How to set Gradient Background for AppBar in Flutter

Gradients created with multiple colors always make UI components more attractive. Let’s learn how to add AppBar with a gradient background in Flutter. The flexibleSpace property helps to add widgets to customize AppBar. Using BoxDecoration and LinearGradient you can create a gradient background. See the code snippet given below. Following is the output of AppBar…

How to make Flutter AppBar Transparent

Transparency is often used in mobile app design to create visually appealing Ul elements. Let’s learn how to make AppBar transparent in this Flutter tutorial. AppBar has backgroundColor property to change the background color. We apply Colors.transparent as the background color. The next thing is to make elevation property zero so that the shadows because…

How to change AppBar Elevation in Flutter

Everyone knows the importance of elevation in material design. An increase in elevation increases the shadow of the element. In this Flutter tutorial, let’s learn how to change the default elevation of AppBar. AppBar has so many properties for customizing its content. One among them is elevation. You can specify the desired value to change…