Timeout waiting to lock artifact cache. It is currently in use by another Gradle instance. React Native Android Gradle Error Fix

I stumbled upon the following react native issue when I was trying to run one of my react native projects on the Android emulator. Could not resolve all dependencies for configuration ‘:classpath’. > Timeout waiting to lock artifact cache (/home/rashid/.gradle/caches/modules-2). It is currently in use by another Gradle instance. Owner PID: 19520 Our PID: 24483…

‘Emulator: ERROR: Running multiple emulators with the same AVD is an experimental feature’ Error Fix

As I don’t like to open Android Studio always, I prefer to launch Android emulators using terminal. Recently, I got the following error when I tried to start an emulator . emulator: ERROR: Running multiple emulators with the same AVD is an experimental feature. Yes, this is an error related to Android emulator and this…

Unable to resolve module `@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault` React Native Error Fix

Today, I was trying to run a new react native project with some third-party libraries installed. When I executed react-native run-android command I got the following error. Unable to resolve module `@babel/runtime/helpers/interopRequireDefault` from App.js: @babel/runtime/hepers/interopRequireDefault could not be found within the project. Following is the screenshot of the react native error. As mentioned in the…

Keystore file not found for signing config ‘debug’ React Native Error Fix

Yes, I am back with another react native error. When I cloned one of my react native projects and tried to run it on my Android emulator using react-native run-android . And I got the following error on the terminal: What went wrong:Execution failed for task ‘:app:validateSigningDebug’.> Keystore file ‘YourProject/android/app/debug.keystore’ not found for signing config…

APK Upload Failed even after Updating Version Code Google Play Console Error Fix

Recently, my APK upload failed multiple times when I was trying to update one of my react native apps through Google Play Publisher portal. The error says that Upload Failed – You need to use a different version code for your APK or Android App Bundle beacuse you already have one with xx . The…

Package has been Ignored because it contains Invalid Configuration React Native Error Fix

As a react native developer we face many kind of react native errors while developing apps. Sometimes you may come up with a warning in the terminal as given below:warn Package @react-native-community/async-storage has been ignored because it contains invalid configuration. Reason: Cannot find module ‘@react-native-community/async-storage/package.json’ The package name may vary with the third party libraries…

Execution failed for task ‘:app:validateSigningDebug’ React Native Error Fix

I created a new react native project with react native version 0.60.5 and faced a new react native issue when I tried to run the project on my Android emulator. The react native error I faced was Execution failed for task ‘:app:validateSigningDebug’ as given in the screenshot below. As written in the error, I was…

Execution failed for task ‘:app:validateSigningDebug’ React Native Error Fix

I created a new react native project with react native version 0.60.5 and faced a new react native issue when I tried to run the project on my Android emulator. The react native error I faced was Execution failed for task ‘:app:validateSigningDebug’ as given in the screenshot below. As written in the error, I was…

Error: spawnSync ./gradlew EACCES React Native Error Fix

I was trying to run one of my react native projects on the Android emulator and faced the following error. Error: spawnSync ./gradlew EACCES at Object.spawnSync (internal/child_process.js:1041:20) at spawnSync (child_process.js:607:24) at execFileSync (child_process.js:634:15) at runOnAllDevices (/home/rashid/Desktop/React Native/Tomorrow/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/build/commands/runAndroid/runOnAllDevices.js:74:39) at buildAndRun (/home/rashid/Desktop/React Native/Tomorrow/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/build/commands/runAndroid/index.js:158:41) at /home/rashid/Desktop/React Native/Tomorrow/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/build/commands/runAndroid/index.js:125:12 at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:85:5) at async Command.handleAction (/home/rashid/Desktop/React Native/Tomorrow/node_modules/react-native/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli/build/cliEntry.js:160:7) My PC runs…

Error: spawnSync ./gradlew EACCES React Native Error Fix

I was trying to run one of my react native projects on the Android emulator and faced the following error. Error: spawnSync ./gradlew EACCES at Object.spawnSync (internal/child_process.js:1041:20) at spawnSync (child_process.js:607:24) at execFileSync (child_process.js:634:15) at runOnAllDevices (/home/rashid/Desktop/React Native/Tomorrow/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/build/commands/runAndroid/runOnAllDevices.js:74:39) at buildAndRun (/home/rashid/Desktop/React Native/Tomorrow/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/build/commands/runAndroid/index.js:158:41) at /home/rashid/Desktop/React Native/Tomorrow/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli-platform-android/build/commands/runAndroid/index.js:125:12 at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:85:5) at async Command.handleAction (/home/rashid/Desktop/React Native/Tomorrow/node_modules/react-native/node_modules/@react-native-community/cli/build/cliEntry.js:160:7) My PC runs…

‘ERROR: Running multiple emulators with the same AVD is an experimental feature’ Android Emulator Error Fix

As a react native user, I prefer to run android emulator using the command line. Thus, I can avoid opening Android Studio. Sometimes, I can’t run the emulator as I face the following Android emulator error: emulator: ERROR: Running multiple emulators with the same AVD is an experimental feature. Please use -read-only flag to enable…

com.android.builder.dexing.DexArchiveMergerException: Error while merging dex archives React Native Error Fix

I came across this react native error when I tried to run my react native project with react-native run-android command after adding a third party library which made native changes. Here’s the error which caused the failure of the app build:java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.android.builder.dexing.DexArchiveMergerException: Error while merg ing dex archives: The number of method references in…