How to Disable Yellow Box Warnings in React Native

Yellow box warnings are useful while developing react native mobile apps. Even though warnings are not critical as red box errors, the yellow boxes catch the attention of the developer to address the issue. Proper fixing of the warnings can make your app more optimized. But, there are some scenarios where the yellow box warnings…


5 Console Tricks For Better Debugging in React Native

The console.log() method is the easiest way to debug your code not only in React Native but also in other JavaScript apps. Simply showing the results in the console can save you time. What if you know some console tricks which can make your debugging better? Here, I am going through five cool console methods…


5 Console Tricks For Better Debugging in React Native

The console.log() method is the easiest way to debug your code not only in React Native but also in other JavaScript apps. Simply showing the results in the console can save you time. What if you know some console tricks which can make your debugging better? Here, I am going through five cool console methods…


How to create a Gradient Button in React Native

Sometimes, buttons with plain colors can be boring visually. Adding a button with multiple colors can make your button uber-cool in appearance – only if it matches your user interface and color selection. In this blog post, let’s check how to create a button with gradient colors in React Native. You might know that react…


How to Create Gradient Background in React Native

React Native doesn’t support gradient colors out of the box. Fortunately, there is a cool library named react native linear gradient which helps to create gradient patterns in react native apps. In this blog post, let’s see how to create a gradient background for any screen in react native First of all, add the react…


How to Create Gradient Background in React Native

React Native doesn’t support gradient colors out of the box. Fortunately, there is a cool library named react native linear gradient which helps to create gradient patterns in react native apps. In this blog post, let’s see how to create a gradient background for any screen in react native First of all, add the react…

How to change the Cursor Color of TextInput Component in React Native

A react native project without using the TextInput component can be a strange thing. In this blog post, I will show you how to change the color of the TextInput cursor. Yes, it’s a simple thing but it can have significance when you are designing your react native app. Text input has many props which…

How to change the Cursor Color of TextInput Component in React Native

A react native project without using the TextInput component can be a strange thing. In this blog post, I will show you how to change the color of the TextInput cursor. Yes, it’s a simple thing but it can have significance when you are designing your react native app. Text input has many props which…

Good Bye Hot Reloading! Welcome Fast Refresh!

Finally, react native stable version 0.61 is out with more features and improvements. In this latest react native version, the following features are added. Introduction of Fast Refresh React version upgraded to 16.9 Fixed use_frameworks! CocoaPods support Add useWindowDimensions Hook As you see, Fast Refresh is the main highlight of react native 0.61 version. On…


How to Integrate ‘Sign in with Google’ in React Native (Android)

Most of the mobile users in this world have atleast one google account. Hence, using Google account to authenticate user is always used in many mobile apps. In this blog post, let’s see how to setup ‘sign in with google’ in react native. First of all, go to Firebase console and add a new project….

APK Upload Failed even after Updating Version Code Google Play Console Error Fix

Recently, my APK upload failed multiple times when I was trying to update one of my react native apps through Google Play Publisher portal. The error says that Upload Failed – You need to use a different version code for your APK or Android App Bundle beacuse you already have one with xx . The…

Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication) React Native Error Fix

While developing with react native, you may come across unexpected react native errors. One react native error I recently faced is as following:Module AppRegistry is not a registered callable module (calling runApplication) React Native Error Fix Fixing this react native issue is pretty simple. All, you need to do is to terminate nodeJS process with…