How to Fix Unrecognized command “start” React Native Error

Nowadays, I face very few issues regarding react native command line. But recently when I executed the react-native start command on the terminal I got the following error. Apparently, this wasn’t a react native issue. It was a mistake from me. I should have executed the npx react-native start command from the project folder and…

How to Convert Integer and Double to String in Flutter

How to Convert Integer and Double to String in Flutter

There’s already a blog post published on how to convert string into integer and double in Flutter. Here, let’s check how to convert integer and double into string in Flutter. Integer to String in Flutter An Integer can be converted into string using toString function. See the code snippet given below. Double to String in…

How to change Shadow Color of Elevated Button in Flutter

How to change Shadow Color of Elevated Button in Flutter

Nowadays, many Flutter developers prefer ElevatedButton as their button. In this Flutter tutorial, let’s check how to change the ElevatedButton shadow color. The styling of the ElevatedButton is done with the help of the ButtonStyle class. The ElevatedButton has shadows by default because of elevation. You can customize the shadow color using the shadowColor property…