React Native Android Apps must Target Android 10 (API Level 29)

If you are a react native developer who regularly publishes apps through Google Play Store then you might already know this – According to new Google Play Policies, they accept only new Android apps that target at least API level 29 i.e. Android 10. And by 2 November 2020, they also stop updates of existing apps that target API level less than 29.

So, as a react native developer, what do you need to do?

If you are using react native version 0.63.2 or later then you don’t need to make changes as these versions already target Android 10. But if you are using an older version of react native and don’t want to upgrade then the easiest way is to do as given below.

Go to YourProject/android/build.gradle file and find the following lines.

ext {
        buildToolsVersion = "28.0.3"
        minSdkVersion = 16
        compileSdkVersion = 28
        targetSdkVersion = 28

So, now you need to change the API level to 29 as given below.

ext {
        buildToolsVersion = "29.0.2"
        minSdkVersion = 16
        compileSdkVersion = 29
        targetSdkVersion = 29

That’s it. Now just rebuild your project and it’s ready to get published in Google Play Store.

Still have doubts? you may check more about it here.

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