How to Create Swipeable Screens in Flutter

Swipeable screens are capable of making your mobile app user interface very beautiful. They are mostly used in scenarios such as app introduction sliders. Let’s see how to add swipeable screens in Flutter. You need PageView widget and PageController class to create swipeable screens in Flutter. The PageController defines which screen you want to show…

How to Create a Vertical Line in Flutter

Dividers are used to distinguish different components used in your mobile app. In this blog post, let’s check how to create a vertical divider or vertical line in Flutter. We use the VerticalDivider widget to create a vertical line in Flutter. The VerticalDivider has useful properties such as width, thickness, color, indent, endindent, etc. You…

How to Create Delays in between Animations in React Native

In the previous blog post, we went through how the multiple animations are managed using methods such as parallel() and sequence(). Now, let’s discuss how to add delays in between animations in react native. When you are composing animations with sequence() and stagger() you can use Animated.delay() method to begin animations after a delay. Let’s…

How to Manage Multiple Animations in React Native

This is the eighth part of react native animation tutorial series. In this blog post, let’s see how to manage multiple animations in react native. There are three Animated methods for this sequence(), parallel(), and stagger(). The sequence() method accepts an array of multiple animations and runs them one after another, ie sequentially. Following is…