How to Create Notification Badge in your React Native App

Badges are small components such as circles or dots which represent a numerical value or status. They are very useful for users as they can easily identify unread notifications or status with a single look. In this react native example, let’s create a notification badge inside an app. First of all, install react native elements…

How to Create an App Introduction Slider in React Native

Introduction sliders are beautiful slides that give a brief idea about the app to the user, especially when the user using the app for the first time. We say the first impression is the best impression. Make Introduction slider of your react native app beautiful as well as useful. What makes react native so popular…

How to Prompt to Compose Email with given Subject and Body in React Native

We use apps of email clients on our phones to access our emails seamlessly. Gmail is one of the most popular email clients out there. In this blog post, let’s see how to prompt a user to open their email client’s compose section with our own delivery email address, subject and body in react native….

How to Create a Swipeable Component in React Native

Having swipeable components in your app is very useful for actions such as deleting and archiving. The swiping ability inside your app brings down the rigid nature of the user interface and increases the flexibility of app usage. Here, let’s create a simple swipeable component in react native using react native gesture handler library. React…

How to Create a Swipeable Component in React Native

Having swipeable components in your app is very useful for actions such as deleting and archiving. The swiping ability inside your app brings down the rigid nature of the user interface and increases the flexibility of app usage. Here, let’s create a simple swipeable component in react native using react native gesture handler library. React…

Keystore file not found for signing config ‘debug’ React Native Error Fix

Yes, I am back with another react native error. When I cloned one of my react native projects and tried to run it on my Android emulator using react-native run-android . And I got the following error on the terminal: What went wrong:Execution failed for task ‘:app:validateSigningDebug’.> Keystore file ‘YourProject/android/app/debug.keystore’ not found for signing config…

Cannot GET /debugger-ui/ React Native Error Fix

I came across this cannot GET /debugger-ui react native error when I was trying to debug one of my react native projects. It showed just Cannot GET /debugger-ui/ on my browser whereas in the device I got the following error message. Failed to connect to debugger! Timeout while connecting to remote debugger I tried reloading…

How to use MomentJS library with React Native

How to use MomentJS library with React Native

MomentJS is an extremely useful JavaScript library when you have some complex things to do with date and time. It parse, validate, manipulate, and display dates and times in JavaScript. Let’s check how to use momentJS library with react native. Install Moment.js library in your react native project using any of the commands given below….