jre/bin/java Access Denied Android Studio Update Conflict Issue Fix in Ubuntu

Yesterday, I created a new react native project with the latest react native version 0.60 and tried to open it in my Android Studio but I got a response saying you can’t open the project with the current version of Android Studio. So, I decided to update my Android Studio to the latest version –…

HTTP Requests not Working in Android Pie React Native Issue Fix

Android Pie onwards Google has added a new layer of network security which allows only secured https requests and disable http requests by default. But no worries, you can enable http requests by using network security configuration feature. First of all navigate to YourProject > android > app > src > main > res and…

OnPress Function Fires only after Tapping Twice when Keyboard Present React Native Issue Fix

This is a common react native issue especially when you use TextInput with ScrollView / FlatList as a parent. In such cases, the other components like the button respond only when you click or tap outside of the TextInput twice. To solve this React Native issue, you have to use the keyboardShouldPersistTaps prop with ScrollView…

How to Add an Icon inside TextInput in React Native

Sometimes, you may want to show an icon inside your TextInput, specifically saying- an icon aligned to the left of the TextInput. React Native TextInput has inlineImageLeft prop to add an icon inside it. Unfortunately, inlineImageLeft supports only the Android platform. There’s also another prop named inlineImagePadding to adjust the padding of the image inside…

How to Fix ‘no permissions (user in plugdev group; are your udev rules wrong?)’ Error in Ubuntu

Sometimes, even after enabling developer options in your Android device, you would be unable to run the React Native project in it due to the following ADB error: no permissions (user in plugdev group; are your udev rules wrong?); see [http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html] This ADB error is common- if your operating system is Ubuntu. You can see…

Always Creating Unsigned Release APK React Native Error Fix

This is an Android-specific React Native issue. You might be followed all things given in the official docs to generate signed APK but you get only app-release-unsigned.apk in \android\app\build\outputs\apk\release directory. Well, the issue is not with your keystore either. You just need to add a line in app/build.gradle file as given below: buildTypes { release { ……