10 React Native Libraries you can use in your Next Project
Even though React Native has a lot of components and apis itself, sometimes we feel some items missing especially when we want to increase the pace of development. Fortunately, React Native has a wonderful community behind to develop third party libraries to reduce the ‘missing’ components gap.
In this blog post, I am not writing about the most popular third party libraries of React Native but about 12 random and useful libraries you might not heard about. You can use these libraries in your next project- to fulfill your specific needs.
React Native Gifted Chat

If your project needs a chat ui and you don’t want to develop it from the scratch then react native gifted chat is a perfect solution. As its developers written in the readme, this library is the most complete chat UI for react native. Click here for more information about this react native library.
React Native OneSignal

Nowadays, mobile apps without push notifications are very rare. React native OneSignal helps you to implement and manage push notifications for both Android and iOS platforms. The free plan is required for regular uses as it provides unlimited push notifications. Setting up react native onesignal is easy and you can follow instructions from here.
React Native Device Info
Sometimes, you may need user device specific data inside your app. React Native Device Info helps you to get almost every details related to user device. It includes build number, bundleId, battery level, carrier, imei, country, phone number, timezone etc. It is also compatible with both Android and iOS platforms. For more information, checkout their official Github page here.
React Native Animatable

Animations can be tricky and are not so easy to tame. If you want simple animations in your next react native react native animatable is a good option. React Native Animatable has lots of types of animations and moreover, these animations are very easy to implement. Want to try react native animatable? please do check here.
React Native UI Kitten
As the title indicates, react native ui kitten is a UI kit of beautiful reusable react native components. It has got almost every component we commonly use in React Native with well defined style. You can download ui kitten’s demo app for android and ios from here and can find out whether it matches your ui requirements. Its official github page is here-https://github.com/akveo/react-native-ui-kitten
React Native Modal

Modals are one of the most used components in React Native. React Native itself has a model component but if you want a modal component with more customization options then you can try out react native modal libray. React Native animation has got many animation and style options. You can check out this react native library here.
Moment JS
If your next project in react native has some usages of date and time calculations, then you should definitely use moment library. MomentJs is one of the most popular libraries in Javascript to parse, validate, manipulate and display dates and times. You can use this in your react native app straight forward. For instructions, please check out their home page.
React Native Gifted Form

Creating a beautiful long form with lot of textInput components can be taunting as well as challenging in react native. React Native Gifted Form is for such developers who find creating forms are difficult. You can go through their github page to know about installation steps as well as implementation tips.
React Native Share

If you have got a content driven react native mobile app then having a sharing feature inside the app is inevitable. Even though react native has a share api, it seems like the api is limited and not working well in Android platforms. React Native Share is a good alternative and it supports both Android and iOS platforms. To know more about it, please go here.
React Native Snap Carousel
The purpose of react native snap carousel is self explanatory from the gif given above. It is a beautiful swiper component for react native with some cool features such as parallax effect. It is a very popular react native component library and you can try it out from here.